Emma is thinking about mess.
After having lived for a decade in Switzerland, the choreographer and performer Emma Murray has decided that it is the right moment to start cleaning up her mess. For this current work, her preoccupation with order finds her attempting to systemize and categorise movement, with its often random impulses and unpredictable outcomes. New dances are conceived in a thorough itemizing of the body in spite of its anarchic desire to move.
…Disorder (is that), in which fragments of a large number of possible orders glitter separately in the dimension, without law or geometry. (Foucault)
At the same time, Emma is reflecting on the potential for chaos in everything we do, even the most banal and simple of tasks. In teasing apart the familiar fabric of our daily lives Emma puts a magnifying glass up against the co-incidences and ‘happy accidents’ that go into making up our existence and is surprised to find inherent orders at work there too.
‘Made to Order’ continues Emma’s interest in the language we choose to define ourselves and looks at the many ways we find in which to order our world in the face of a chaotic void of countless possibility.
Concept &choreography: Emma Murray. Performers: Emma Murray, Fhunye Gao, Rudi van der Merwe. Dramaturgy: Nele Jahnke. Set design, light: Demian Wohler. Music: Thomas Luz. Photos: Oliver Neubert. Project Management: Nicole Voyat & Marcel Leemann Association. Co-production: Dampfzentrale Bern. Production supported by: Culture City of Bern, Pro Helvetia, Canton of Bern, Migros Culture Percentage, Burgergemeinde Bern
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Mirko, Martin and Johanna in the tower, Kortrijk, BE
Mirko, Martin and Johanna in the tower, Kortrijk, BE
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Do you have any tried and tested 'rules' (criteria) when collaborating or considering a new collaboration?
Martin Schick:
“Yes, mainly to not call it collaboration. I find it a terrible system, it reminds me of the word 'collapse'. I prefer to call it 'co-operation', which means accepting difficulties and differences and letting them co-exist. No consensus!”
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